H.E. interacting with Prasar Bharti member (Personnel) V. Shivakumar, AIR DG(News) Mohan Chandak and Astt DG (News) Dr. Sadhna Rout at Rajbhawan : 27/08/2009 |
H.E. interacting with Gaon Burahs at Poma village during inauguration of Poma Bamboo Processing Centre: 18/08/2009
H.E. and State First lady along with local MLA Ngurang Pinch in the inaugural function of Poma Bamboo Processing Centre: 18/08/2009 |
H.E. at the inauguration of Poma Bamboo Processing Centre: 18/08/2009 |
H.E. inaugurating the Poma Bamboo Processing Centre: 18/08/2009
H.E. interacting with the childrens during the plantation programme organised by Muskan society, :16/08/2009 |
School children and people taking part in state wide plantation programme organised by Muskan society : 16/08/2009 |
State First lady Smti Anupama Singh, Preseident Muskan society, taking part in plantation programme while H.E. looks on:16/08/2009
H.E. taking part in plantation programme at Raj Bhavan complex, organised by Muskan society, while First lady looks on:16/08/2009 |
Awareness programme on H1 N1 at Raj Bhawan :14/08/2009 |
H.E. taking up issues related to development of Tourism in the state with Union Minister for Tourism Kumari Selja at New Delhi:13/08/2009
H.E. felicitating Dr. M. Srinivasan, of Arvind Eye Hospital, Madhurai at the Dr. M.C. Nahata Rashtriya Netr Puraskar function at Indore (M.P): 09/08/2009 |
H.E. participating in Raksha Bandhan celebration with students of VKV at Raj Bhawan :05/08/2009 |
H.E. in a group photograph with members of Brahma Kumaris, Itanagar after Raksha Bandhan programme at Raj Bhawan:05/08/2009
H.E. being tied Rakhi by Sis. BK Junu of Brahma Kumaris, Itanagar after being explained the spiritual significance of Raksha Bandhan by Dr. Jayadev Sahoo: 05/08/2009 |
Lt Col Jaswant Singh Marwah(Retd), Father of the H.E. the Governor, giving away sweets to the hikers before the start of expedition :02/08/2009 |
H.E. and First lady taking part in hiking expedition to promote eco and adventure tourism in Arunachal Pradesh :02/08/2009 |
First lady and President Muskan, Ms Anupama Singh flags off expedition at Banderdewa, as H.E the Governor looks on : 02/08/2009 |
Governor along with First lady making cash contribution for construction of Tara Devi statue at Lumla:31/07/2009 |
H.E. and First lady inspecting the under construction Eklaviya School at Lumla:31/07/2009 |
H.E. and First lady at GRL Monastery at Bomdila. Also seen are Rev. T.G. Rimpoche, MLA Lumla and monks of the Monastery: 28/07/2009 |
GOC of 3 Corps Lt. Gen. R.K. Loomba accompanied by GOC of 2 Mountain Divison Maj Gen B.S.. Sachar meeting the Governor :22/07/2009 |
GOC of 3 Corps Lt. Gen. R.K. Loomba meeting the Governor :22/07/2009 |
H.E. in the Annual General Body Meeting of NERIST Society: 21/07/2009 |
H.E. in the Annual General Body Meeting of NERIST Society: 21/07/2009 |
Governor with Union Minister of State(Ind. Charge) for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Sh Dinsha J. Patel at New Delhi:18/07/2009 |
Governor interacting with Gaon Burahs of Poma area at Poma, Itanagar:08/07/2009 |
Governor inaugurating Extra Asst. Commissioner office at Koyu, East Siang District. Also seen is local MLA and Minister WR, Parl Affairs, PR, Sh Tako Dabi:07/07/2009 |
Governor interacting with members from Janjati Suraksha Manch at Rajbhawan:06/07/2009 |
Governor introducing new orchids brought from Singapore, at Raj Bhawan. Four new orchids are Vanda Sanderiana, Dendrobium Caesar, Vanda Colorsan & Mokra Khaw Phaik Suan:02/07/2009 |
Governor introducing new orchids at Raj Bhawan Orchid House. Also seen is Orchodologist Dr. A.N. Rao: 02/07/2009 |
Governor addressing in the India Business Forum, showcasing the investment potential of Arunachal Pradesh during 2nd Singapore IWW:25/06/2009 |
Governor giving patient hearing on the new techniques in the water reclamation plant during 2nd Singapore IWW:23/06/2009 |
Governor interacting with representatives of foreign countries during 2nd Singapore IWW organised from 22-26 June:23/06/2009 |
Governor addressing the world leaders during 2nd International Water Week(IWW) organised by PUB, Govt of Singapore:23/06/2009 |
Governor and First lady exhorting the members of Muskan to work for women empowerment while interacting with them at Raj Bhawan:15/06/2009 |
Tapi Mra detailing on the routes to the Governor, while First lady looks on :11/06/2009 |
Everester Tapi Mra presenting his summit photograph to the Governor:11/06/2009 |
Governor interacting with Tapi Mra, Everester and his family members :11/06/2009 |
Governor and First lady with participants of Golf orientation camp at Raj Bhavan Golf course: 06/06/2009 |
Governor presenting Golf camp participation certificate:06/06/2009 |
Governor and First lady presenting a Memento to Golf coach Shri Ali Sher:06/06/2009 |
Governor showing some finer points of bunker shots to Golf orientation camp participants:06/06/2009 |
Governor addressing the people on the occasion of unveiling of Shivaji Maharaj's statue
: 03/06/2009 |
Governor with personnel of Maratha Regiment at Tawang :03/06/2009 |
Governor dedicates statue of Shivaji Maharaj at Tawang on 3rd June 2009. Also seen is State First lady and Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj: 03/06/2009 |
State First Lady Anupama Singh accompanied by Jarjum Ete, former chairperson of State Women Commission at Bal Bhavan, New Delhi: 22/05/2009 |
State First Lady accompanied by former chairperson of State Women Com. at Bal Bhavan, New Delhi interacting with childrens & officials of the insitiution :22/05/2009 |
Governor and the State First Lady at Mechuka: 15/05/2009 |
Governor interacting with GOC of 2 Mountain Divn, Dinjan in presence of senior officials of the State. .:13/05/2009 |
Governor visited IG Park, Itanagar along with Forest officials:12/05/2009 |
Governor and the State First Lady along with Swami Smaranananda Maharaj, V.P. of Ramakrishna Math & Mission inaugurating New OPD building at RKMH, Itanagar.:10/05/2009 |
Governor and the State First Lady offering prayers at Theravada Buddhist temple, Itanagar during Buddha Jayanti:09/05/2009 |
Governor and the State First Lady with Hinayana monks at Theravada Buddhist temple, Itanagar during Buddha Jayanti:09/05/2009 |
Governor along with local MLA Ngurang Pinch and NEEPCO officials at the Dam site of Pare Hydro Electric Hydel Project:07/05/2009 |
Governor and the State First Lady at Pare Hydro Electric Hydel Project:07/05/2009 |
Governor and the State First Lady with Deputy Commissioners at Raj Bhawan: 02/05/2009 |
Governor and the State First Lady with Deputy Commissioners at Raj Bhawan: 02/05/2009 |
Governor Gen J.J. Singh casting his vote in the Parliamentary election at Govt. Middle School, P-Sector, Itanagar :16/04/2009 |
First lady Anupama Singh casting her vote in the Parliamentary election at Govt. Middle School, P-Sector, Itanagar :16/04/2009 |
Governor Gen J.J. Singh addressing in the World Punjabi Organisation function at New Delhi :08/04/2009 |
Governor Gen J.J. Singh receiving the Punjabi Ratna Award conferred by the World Punjabi Organisation at New Delhi: 11/04/2009 |
Union Secretaries along with Chief Secretary with Governor at Raj Bhawan:08/04/2009 |
Governor Gen J.J. Singh taking part in Mopin Festival celebration at Aalo: 06/04/2009 |
Governor and First lady of the state taking part in Mopin Festival celebration at Aalo: 06/04/2009 |
Governor with President of India at Diamond Jubilee celebration of Guwahati High Court:04/04/2009 |
President of India along with Governor Gen J.J. Singh at Kibithu:03/04/2009 |
President of India along with Governor Gen J.J. Singh at Kibithu:03/04/2009 |
President of India along with Governor addressing the Defence personnels at Kibithu:03/04/2009 |
President of India along with Governor with Defence personnels at Kibithu:03/04/2009 |
President along with Governor and other delegates posed for photographs at Tawang:02/04/2009 |
President along with Governor and other delegates at Tawang:02/04/2009 |
President of India offering prayer at Tawang Monastery: 02/04/2009 |
President of India, Governor and dignitaries being greeted by Yak and lion dance on arrival at Tawang: 02/04/2009 |
President admiring a Nyishi headgear at Arun Self Help Mela, Itanagar: 02/04/2009 |
President of India with the Govenor at Arun Self Help Mela, Itanagar:02/04/2009 |
The First lady of India, Governor Gen J.J. Singh and dignitaties inside the J.N State Museum, Itanagar:02/04/2009 |
President planting a sapling in the lawn of Raj Bhawan, Itanagar :02/04/2009 |
President of India on tour of Rajbhawan in a Electric Reva car driven by the Governor : 02/04/2009 |
President, Governor along with their spouses and Minister in waiting with Raj bhawan officials:02/04/2009 |
The First lady presents honey produced in the Rajbhawan to the President: 02/04/2009 |
President and First lady of state inside the Rajbhawan Orchid center: 02/04/2009
President of India with the Govenor and Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh at Raj Bhawan, Itanagar:01/04/2009 |
President of India awarding medal to students during the 1st convocation of NERIST: 01/04/2009 |
President of India awarding medals to students during the 1st convocation of NERIST: 01/04/2009 |
President of India, Governor and other dignitaries gracing the 1st convocation of NERIST: 01/04/2009 |
President of India, Smti Pratibha Devisingh Patil and Governor in the NERIST convocation : 01/04/2009 |
H.E. President of India being given warm welcome by the Governor and Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh:01/04/2009 |
Governor Gen J.J. Singh at NERIST interacting with officials of institution on the arrangement for the visit of President of India:28/03/2009 |
Itanagar Fire Station in-charge assisted by Ct N. Tato conducted the training on handling of fire fighting equipments to Raj Bhawan staff: 28/03/2009 |
Governor Gen J.J. Singh tries his hand on the long drum, THAMKHAM of Wancho and Nocte tribes of Tirap district:
28/03/2009 |
Governor and First lady in the J. N.State Museum, Itanagar:28/03/2009. |
Man on peace mission Amit Lal called on the Governor Gen JJ Singh at the Raj Bhawan, Itanagar:
27/03/2009 |
H.E. lighting the inaugural lamp symbolising the start of silver jubilee celebration of NERIST, in presence of Sh G. Apang,Ex-CM and J. Begi, Director:04/03/2009 |
H.E. along with students and faculties of IGNOU :28/02/2009 |
H.E. conferring degrees to students on the occassion of 20th Convocation of IGNOU :28/02/2009 |
H.E. speaking on 20th Convocation of IGNOU at conference hall, Regional Centre, Itanagar:28/02/09 |
H.E. at Pare Hydro Power Electric Project site with Ms Mridula Das, Project Head cum GM and Mr Ngurang Pinch, local MLA:28/02/09 |
H.E. dedicating the Toy train and children park at Nyokum Lapang, Itanagar:24/02/09 |
H.E. in the inaugural run of Toy train:24/02/09 |
H.E. Flagging off the Toy train at Nyokum Lapang Ground:24/02/09 |
H.E. along with State RWD Minister Sh Chowna Mein, monitoring the progress of rural roads under PMGSY near Taliha:23/02/2009 |
H.E. interacting with Gaon Burahs in the interior village of Taliha: 23/02/2009 |
Foundation stone laid by H.E. Governor for road under PMGSY at Taliha in presence of Hon'ble Ministers:23/02/2009 |
Foundation stone laid by H.E. Governor for road from Tajina bridge point to Kaji village (10km) under PMGSY at Taliha:23/02/2009 |
After the Raj Bhavan was opened to the public for first time, school children from different schools of the capital complex toured Raj Bhavan compound for the first time.:22/02/2009
Childrens visiting the orchid center of Raj Bhawan along with their teachers :22/02/2009
Governor and First Lady at the Nyokum Ground to see the trial run of Toy Train:23/01/2009
Inauguration of Singa MHS by H.E. Governor in the presence of first lady Ms Anupama Singh and other officials:19/02/2009 |
H.E. and first lady along with MLA Sh G. Apang and officials at project site Singa Micro Hydel :19/02/2009 |
Governor and first lady Ms Anupama Singh took 1 hour foot march to reach project Micro hydel site at Singa:19/02/2009 |
Governor and First Lady at the Nyokum Ground to see the trial run of Toy Train:23/01/2009 |
Governor at Parasuram Kund, Tezu: 18/11/2008 |
Governor and First Lady at Tawang, participating in the Buddha Mahotsava:09/11/2008 |
First lady of the state along with Salma Ansari, wife of Vice President Md H. Ansari during their visit to state museum on 26/11/2008 |
Dr. Hamid Ansari,Vice President of India planting tree at Raj Bhavan on 27/11/2008
External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee, Governor Gen J J Singh and Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu during the inaugural ceremony of the 8th Buddha Mahotsava : 09/11/2008 |
H.E. Gen J J Singh inaugurating a SBI ATM counter at Tawang: 10/11/2008 |
Title of Hony Col of the Maratha Light Inf Regiment being confered to H.E. Gen JJ Singh at Belgaum on 22/10/2008
Parchment ceremony at Maratha Light Infantry Regiment Centre Belgaum: 22.10.2008 |
H.E. Chairing the 11th Meeting of the State Managing Committee on the welfare of the Ex-Servicemen held on 11th September, 2008 at Raj Bhavan.
H.E. navigating through Brahmaputra at Sonarighat, Dhemaji on 11th Aug, 2008 |
First Lady of the State, interacting with the students of Donyi Polo Mission School for Hearing Impaired :08/08/2008 |
H.E. jotting down in the Condolence Book while paying homage to Field Marshal SHFJ Manekshaw at India Gate, New Delhi:05/07/2008 |
First Lady of the State, Mrs Anupama Singh jotting down in the Condolence Book while paying homage to Field Marshal SHFJ Manekshaw:05/07/2008 |
H.E inaugurated the National Administrators conference from June 21-24 at the Brahma Kumaris World HQ , Mt. Abu |
H.E addressing the participants at the National Administrators conference at Brahma Kumaris HQ, Mt. Abu. |
Conference of Minister, Commissioner, Secretaries with H.E.Governor at Rajbhavan: 08/04/08 |
Attending meeting at Pasighat : 04/04/08 |
With first lady Smt. Anupama Singh at Pasighat on the eve of Mopin: 04/04/08 |
Group photograph with State Rank & Bolt Award winners : 07/03/08 |
Lighting the lamp on the occassion of State Rank & Bolt Awards at Itanagar: 07/03/08 |
Meeting with Chiefs, GBs and Public leaders of Khonsa:02/02/08 |
Warm reciption to the Governor by Public leaders, GBs and Public of Khonsa :02/02/08. |
General (Rtd.) J.J. Singh taking guard of honour after Swearing-in-Ceremony at Raj Bhawan: 27/01/08. |
General (Rtd.) J.J. Singh being administered oath of office by Chief Justice of Guwahati High Court, Justice J. Chelameshwar :27/01/08. |
New Governor of Arunachal Pradesh General (Rtd.) Joginder Jaswant Singh being received by Sh Dorjee Khandu, H'ble Chief Minister:26/01/08. |