No. IPR (PR)-03/2009                                                 Dated Naharlagun the 2nd Feb. 2010


Visiting Media team interact with Bamboo Mission Officers at Poma

Naharlagun, Feb 2: The Managing Director Arunachal Pradesh Forest Corporation Ltd cum SFRI Director GN Sinha said that Bamboo, which was earlier, called as poor man’s timber has become commercially viable resources in the present time and informed that the Bamboo Processing Centre at Poma, a pilot project on the line of community development programme, is set up with an aim to create employment avenues to the locals and opening of scope for sustainable economic development of the area to make the people economically well off. 

        Speaking at an interactive programme with a team of visiting Media persons from North Cachar Hills at Poma Bamboo Processing Centre, 18 Kms away from Itanagar today, Sinha said that the centre is a joint initiative of Raj Bhawan, Itanagar and the State Forest Corporation for which the location was identified by Governor, J.J Singh at Poma village to make it a model village.

Giving a background of the unit, he said that Arunachal Pradesh is making fast progress to achieve both economic and human development from forest resources specially Bamboo, adding that this forest resources have to be utilized to achieve sustainable economic growth in the state. He said that the concept of Bamboo processing was to expose the uses of bamboo which is increasing manifold in a business mode through involving the local community.

        Run by the Poma Development Society headed by ZPM Techi Ana, the centre is presently imparting skill development training to 30 local people on various bamboo crafts. Of the total 30 trainees, 10 would be selected as master trainers to train up people in other parts of the district.

APFCL, DM (M&E) G Rime also highlighted on the Bamboo Processing unit and informed that presently this mini industry is producing semi finished product and hoped that it would be capable of producing finished products in the near future.

APFCL, DM, B Banerjee while highlighting the importance of Bamboo and its products said that the concept is designed for transferring technology to the locals who are otherwise already expert  in the line and polishing their talent through skill development trainings.
Speaking on the occasion, Poma Village Development Society, Chairperson Techi Ana said that this initiative helped the people to understand on proper networking of bamboo and its products for creating employment avenues, besides improving financial upliftment of the people.

            Earlier, DIPR Assam informed that the Press Party from North Cachar Hills, Assam is on 5 days visit to the state on a good will mission tour programme and to exchange ideas and share information with the local people on various developmental programmes in the state.


Sd/- Purabi Taikam, PRO



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