No. IPR (PR)-03/2009                                                 Dated Naharlagun the 02 Dec. 2009.

Press Release No-1302

Governor presents Bharat Samman Award to The President of Mauritius Exhorts NRIs to contribute towards development of Arunachal Pradesh

Itanagar, Dec. 2: Arunachal Pradesh is the land of peace-loving, patriotic and sincere people and is on the path to becoming the power-house of the country. This enchanting State is unparalleled in natural endowments and reminds one of the scenic beauties of Mauritius. This was the message conveyed by The Governor Gen. (Rtd.) J J Singh to the NRIs (Non-Resident Indians) and PIOs (People of Indian Origin) while presenting the Bharat Samman Award to HE Sir Anerood Jugnauth, the President of Mauritius at a function organized by NRI Institute, New Delhi in the national capital yesterday. While presenting the award, Gen. Singh called Sir Jugnauth a torch bearer of the democratic aspirations in Mauritius and an iconic personality in the history of the country. He lauded the economic initiatives taken by his Govt. and attributed the economic miracle of the 1980s in Mauritius to him. He also congratulated Sir Jugnauth for leading Mauritius to be amongst the best governed countries in the world. The Governor later also gave away Pride of India Gold Medal to several renowned personalities. The Governor, while highlighting the development potentials of Arunachal Pradesh, urged upon the NRIs to supplement the efforts of various agencies towards the socio-economic development of the State. He dwelt at length on the various little-known facets of the State like the multiplicity of tribes, prevalence of Hindi as the medium of communication, the long international border etc. Gen. Singh also appreciated the NRI and the PIO community of India for creating a name for itself as a hard-working, disciplined and law-abiding group and the ability to mix and forge relations with the local communities easily. He said that the Indian diaspora represents exceptional talents and it should continue to fulfill its duties towards the motherland. NRI Institute is a non-profit NGO of People of Indian Origin, founded in the year 1989 as a platform to promote and facilitate NRI investments in India. It has chapters in more than twenty five countries of the World. The Institute regularly recognizes and awards the exceptional achievements of NRIs and PIOs in their chosen field of activity. Several eminent dignitaries including Sh. Bhishma Narayan Singh (former Governor of Tamil Nadu), Sh. G. Krishnamurthy (former Election Commissioner of India), Sh. Joginder Singh (former Director CBI), Sh. Mukeshwoor Choonee (High Commissioner of Mauritius in India) and Sh. S. K. Pachauri IAS (Rtd.)(Chairman, NRI Institute) graced the occasion. The first Lady of the State Smt. Anupama Singh was also presented a memento by Mrs. Choonee, the wife of the High Commissioner of Mauritius during the function.



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