No. IPR (PR)-03/2009                                                 Dated Naharlagun the 03 Dec. 2009.

Press Release No-1306

Governor inaugurates state first school for blind

Itanagar, Dec.  3: Arunachal Pradesh Governor Gen JJ Singh inaugurated the first ever school for visually impaired and blind in the State, Donyi Polo Mission School for the Visually Impaired at Donyi Polo Mission Rehabilitation Centre, Chimpu on Dec.3 last on the specially occasion of World Day for disabled, reports PRO to Governor.

                Local MLA Techi Kaso, who was the guest of Honour, was present along with education commission Hage Khoda and senior officials. Six visually impaired children are admitted in the school. Equipment for their learning and other materials are made available by the Mission. Speaking on the occasion, the Governor said, we all have challenges, eye sight, hearing or speaking but we must not loss heart. Assuring his best for the welfare of the disabled, Gen Singh appealed to every Arunachalee to pledge support to the brothers and sisters, who need special care in the society and extend their help in the enjoyment of human rights by the disabled persons everywhere. He pointed, let our guiding principles be respect, not pity; rights, not charity; equality, not dependence and participation, not segregation.

The Governor, who was very impressed by the children, congratulated them for taking interest in writing, reading and expressing themselves despite of all the challenges. He also urged them to work hard, take vocational courses and be useful citizen.

Chairman of the Donyi Polo Mission, Gegong Apang threw lights on the initiatives of the Mission. While appreciating the guardians for cooperation in sending their loved one to the school, Apang said if each one of us think for others, we can have a harmonious society. The Mission Secretary, Sanjay Tassar appealed all, especially education and social welfare departments for more help to the Mission so as to enable it to provide much required service to the children. While thanking the Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu for the corpus fund, Secretary put forward problems of the Mission including encroachment. Principal H Sharma also spoke on the occasion. To commemorate the occasion, a colorful cultural problem was presented on the occasion by the students of the school. Students from other schools of the capital complex took part in sthe programme, which was also attended by other disabled people. As an encouragement, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan donated a computer for the institution.

Earlier, the Governor toured the centre, visiting the classrooms, hostels, Art and Craft rooms and had a lively interaction with the students.



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