No. IPR (PR)-03/2009                                                 Dated Naharlagun the 4th Mar. 2010


Governor calls for waste depository at every sector

 Itanagar, March 4: Taking another step forward in the series of activities towards, ‘Clean and Green Arunachal,’ Governor Gen JJ Singh suggested for setting up of depository, like that of scrap outlets in every sector or colony, so that people can deposit segregated glass, metal and plastic items, such as bottles, poly bags etc. at the depository counters in return for some cash at fixed rates. Such practice, segregation of metals, glass and biodegradable wastes in different colour bags at home, which is popular in developed countries, if inculcate in the denizens will sure to bring welcome change, he said while attending a PowerPoint presentation on ‘Clean and Green Environment’ by Col PS Binder of 4 Corps, Tezpur at Raj Bhavan recently, reports PRO to Governor.

            Governor asked the Capital Complex Deputy Commission Padmini Singla to explore the possibility and also on colour bags for different waste materials.

            We have to change mindset of the people and make them realize their responsibilities towards environment. Let us be an example for other States in the clean environmental preservation programme, exhorted Gen Singh.

            This should be one of the important agenda of Deputy Commissioners’ conference, Governor added.

            Taking part in the discussion, Singla apprised the Governor on the initiatives of the Capital Complex administration, State Government directives and also of those by NGOs and concerned citizens. 

            Earlier, with the help of PowerPoint presentation, Col Bindra said, by banning of polythene or by burying or burning it, problem is not over.

            Equating problems of polythene with terrorism, Col Bindra pointed that 80% of the pollution is due to burning of polythene which is 5000 times more dangerous then cigarettes. Citing rates of waste papers, plastic bottle, old newspapers in the market, he added, we can earn from garbage every morning. No need to throw in ‘Open Dustbins.’

            Col Bindra, who is carrying out campaigns as an initiation of Army at Tezpur involving, NGOs, School Children and others said, people should be made aware of marketing avenues of the non-biodegradable materials through advertisement. It is a common practice for beer bottles and in the same line, plastic water bottles and other materials should also be recycles. Like scrap buyers, there should be shops or counters at every colony, properly regulated by civil administration to receive these waste materials, the report added. 


Sd/- Purabi Taikam, PRO


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