No. IPR (PR)-03/2008                                            Dated Naharlagun the 4h April, 2010


Governor for promoting  Adventure & eco-tourism in Siang Basin
7th National Rafting Championship at Yingkiong concludes

 Yingkiong, April 4: “The Mighty Siang River offer great prospects, challenges and opportunities,” said Arunachal Pradesh Governor Gen JJ Singh, while taking part in the concluding day of the 7th National Rafting Championship here today. The Siang basin, he pointed has huge potential for tourism, especially for adventure and eco tourism. And
this Championship has given a window or exposure to the potentials of the region to the world to see. Congratulating the organizers, Indian Rafting Foundation, New Delhi, Arunachal Pradesh Tour Operators Association and Department of Tourism, Government of Arunachal Pradesh and the people of Yingkiong for hoisting the all important sporting and the participants, Gen Singh said, I am sure, this championship will herald many more such national and international adventure sporting events in the State, reports PRO to Governor.

Gen Singh, took part in the rafting in the most treacherous part of the river. The powerful River, with its enormous energies and force, has always being an inspiration for the people to work hard and I am sure this championship will herald the welcome changes in socio-economic development of the region.

Underscoring the importance of horticulture in the region, the Governor said, the whole region has been the place for best of the horticulture produce. We just need a proper marketing blueprint and the Government is doing it. He appealed to the people, especially the farmers, young entrepreneurs and Goan Burahs to go for horticulture farming as a means of financial empowerment and emphasized on organic methods. The world will be your market, if your produce is organic, he pointed.

Outlining the importance of entrepreneurship amongst the youths in art and craft sector, Gen Singh said, the tribal people have the gifted talent in handicraft and handloom. The craftsmanship amongst our artisans is marvelous. You just needs to put on little bit of hard work and spirit of entrepreneurship among you to excel in life.

As always, the Governor reiterated his appeal to the Goan Burahs, the youths and denizens for clean and green Arunachal.

State First lady Anupama Singh, Local MLA Alo Libang, Parliamentary Secretary JK Panggeng, MLA, hosts of officials from Tourism, district administration and others were present on the occasion. Army Adventure Wing (AAW), Raiwal received the Champion Trophy, while AAW Nimu were the first runners up. The AAW Belgum received the 2nd runners up trophy. AAW Raiwala, Raiwala won the Head to Head and Down River Race (Marathon) while BSF team won the Slalom category.

According to Tourism Director, AK Singh, nine teams came to participate in the tournament, which had Glenn Merrick, trainer cum International observer from Australia, Ms Sharron French, chief judge from French and Championship Director Takacs Gyula from Hungary. Two Safety Kayaker,  Rum Bahadur Gurung from Nepal and Tsering Chotak from Ladhak were there to see the safety part. The district administration led by Pawan Sain, Deputy Commissioner and people of Yingkiong also contributed  in the successful conduct of the first ever national rafting competition, which was initiated  by the Governor, he added.

Sd/ D.Dodum,PRO


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