IPR (PR) 3/2009                                                                 Dated Naharlagun, June 4, 2009


Governor dedicates a statue of Shivaji at Tawang

Itanagar, June 3: Though geographically, Sahyadris are thousands of miles from great Himalayas, emotionally it came closer today with unveililing of the statue of great Maratha warrior and one of the greatest national heroes Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj at Tawang today. Saluting the contributions made by the Maratha regiment in the State especially in the picturesque district of Tawang, known for its 400 year old monastery, Arunachal Pradesh Governor Gen JJ Singh, who is a Honorary Colonel of the Maratha Light Infantry, dedicated a statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj to the people at Tawang today.

It is worth mentioning that Maratha regiment, to which our Governor belongs, has done commendable job in Arunachal Pradesh. For years together various Maratha units were posted in this area. During 1982-84, Governor himself commanded 9 Maratha battalion in Lohit Valley. 22 Maratha under the command of Col SDK Patil, has constructed 22 kms of Tawang to Bumla road during 1983-84 which is also named as Chhatrapati Shivaji Road. This road leads to Indo-China border. Incidentally in those years they received tremendous help from our current Chief Minister Shri Dorjee Khandu who hails from Tawang area.

The idea of putting up the statue was supported by the Governor and Chief Minister and is the joint venture between Indian Army and Government of Arunachal Pradesh. Brigadier Ashok Ambre and Shri Prashant Lokhande, IAS, Secretary to Governor and Secretary Planning meticulously worked on this project.

Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj, Col SDK Patil (Retd), who led the first spade work some decades back, GOC, 5 Mtn Division along with district officers and people of Tawang were present on the auspicious occasion. Incidentally Shri Nipun Vinayak, Collector of Raigad, where Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj built capital, was also present.

Giving a Marathi touch and adding festivity to the special occasion, Jana Prabhodini team from Maharashtra presented a Powada recitation.

Speaking on the occasion the Governor urged upon the army personnel to have cordial relationship with the denizens of this strategically important State, which is felt will be helpful in long run. He also recalled the magnificent contributions of the uniformed personnel towards all Arunachalees.

Taking part in the ceremony, Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj inaugurated a photo gallery which ushered the glimpses of forts of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj which are the symbol of bravery and swaraj.

It may be mentioned here Bumla Hut, which at the Indo-China Border was constructed by All Ranks of 1 Maratha LI (JANGLI PALTAN) and inaugurated by Maj. Gen. ND Jetli, VSM on 29th May 2000.

Atum Potom
PRO to Governor
Arunachal Pradesh


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