Dated Naharlagun Nov 05, 2009

Press Release No- 1170

Governor visits Poma bamboo processing centre

 Itanagar, November 9: ‘Hum Kissi Se Kham Nahi. Hum Kamyaab Hongge, that should be your spirit’, said state Governor Gen JJ Singh, while exhorting the villagers to venture into entrepreneurship through village and cottage industries at Poma village, near Itanagar on Nov. 5 last, reports PRO to Governor.

Pointing at his brainchild, the Poma Bamboo Processing Centre (BPC), Gen Singh said this is a pilot project. It is set up to show you and other rural communities a path towards financial empowerment through utilization of abundant forest products and without migrating to urban areas. Here, he stressed, when we have the buyback arrangement for its product already in place, we should ensure quality produce of highest order. Citing that now name of Poma Village is known through out the world via Internet because of the BPC, he urged upon them to work hard to ensure it meet more then its objectives. We are using bamboo; therefore, we should also carry out bamboo plantation, so as to ensure that cycle is maintained. Moreover it should be of the species on demand, Gen Singh added. He appreciated Forest department for carrying out two hectors of bamboo plantation in the area.

Further encouraging the villagers to taken up floriculture, horticulture, fishery, bee keeping, the Governor invited them to visit Raj Bhavan to see for them selves that these sectors have the potential.

            Highlighting on development programme of the state government, the governor informed that now whatever work is taken up in the area will be of highest quality as the State government has introduced unique system of ‘Third Party Monitoring’. He went to advise the villagers on proper sanitation in the village and emphasized on organic farming. Pointing plastic as enemy of the environment, Gen Singh once again educated the people on it.

            Speaking on the occasion, newly elected local MLA Nabam Rebia expressed gratitude to the Governor for his far sighted effort in the development of rural areas particularly the Poma area. Referring Gen Singh as the People’s Governor, Rebia said, because of his concern for the people, he enjoys love and affection from all. Never in the past, Governor went to the villages and interacted with rural population. Assuring to work under the guidance of the Governor, he urged upon the people preserve the green surrounding as it will become a tourist attraction in the future. The rivers, he stressed, should be free from plastic and there should be no hunting for at least for three years from this day.

            In her welcome address, Poma ASM Techi Anna highlighted on the progress of the BPC. She also cited some problems like power supply and late deliveries of machines. Circle Officer Kiron Ningo and Head Gaon Burah Tacha Markha also spoke on the occasion.

            State First Lady Anupama Singh, Chief Engineer (Power) Er. Jumtum Tato, Papum Pare ADC T. Kaye and district heads of work departments were present on the occasion amongst others.

            Earlier, the first couple and the guests inspected the working of the BPC and also saw some local handicraft produces. As encouragement, the Governor bought some items like Bamboo mugs. He advised them to keep some more indigenous produces such as wooden statues from Tirap, caps from Kurung Kumey, shawl from Ziro in the Curio Shop, set up attached to the BPC. First lady advised them to maintain originality in their products and also not to use plastic strips in it, the report added.  

Sd/- Purabi Taikam, PRO

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