IPR (PR) 3/2009                                                                 Dated Naharlagun, July 7, 2009


Governor calls for financial empowerment of indigenous people for development

Itanagar, July 6: Arunachal Pradesh Governor Gen J.J Singh emphasized on financial empowerment of the indigenous people and tribals, adding that if we are committed to help them in true sense we should work on it. Interacting with the members from Janjati Suraksha Manch at Raj Bhavan, here today, the governor said, ‘we can do it through tourism, which has huge potential in the State. As tribal, we have inherent advantages, like exotic cuisines, exquisite attires and natural pristine environment, which the tourists from other parts of the country and aboard are very interested’.

Further stressing on the tourism, Gen Singh said once it starts, transportation business will follow, which in-turn will help growth of restaurants, where guests can dine on tribal foods and drinks. Our traditional cultural expertise, which needs utmost care, will be rejuvenated along with flow of incomes. These activities will definitely lead to creation of large numbers of jobs and avenues for entrepreneurship like it is in Rajasthan, Kerala and Himachal Pradesh, he pointed.

Dwelling in length on the other avenues for financial empowerment, such as bee keeping, poultry and dairy etc, he urged the members to focus on the youths.

Agreeing with the members, he also stressed on protection, propagation and preservation of Mithun, on the line of age old tradition of the indigenous people, which is unique to Arunachal Pradesh and few other States of North East region.

The Governor said, with lots of development programmes, especially power projects in the pipeline, our indigenous people are going to be benefit as it will bring roads, schools, free power and other amenities for them.

Earlier, submitting the memorandum, Janjati Suraksha Manch convener Taba Hare said, to develop the country, we have to develop our tribal community. Therefore, to seek the opinion on it, we carried out signature campaign covering fifteen districts, 103 circle and 985 villages in the State. On behalf of the Manch, Hare requested the Governor to convey the message to the President of India.

Arunachal Vikash Parishad working President and former Higher Education Director P. Potom, Nyishi Indigenous Faith & Cultural Society President Techi Gubin, Central Nyedar Namlo Chairman Rekhi Tana Tara, Indigenous Faith & Cultural Society Secretary Augung Bengia and its Assistant Secretary Rutham Kamgo accompanied Hare to the meeting, reports PRO to Governor.


Sd/- Purabi Taikam, PRO


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