No IPR (PR) 3/2009                                                     Dated Naharlagun Sept 7, 2009


Teacher’s day celebrated, Twenty-two teachers conferred state award
Great teacher inspires others - governor

 Itanagar, Sept 7: ‘Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing Army’, said Arunachal Pradesh Governor Gen J.J Singh, quoting Edward Everett, while giving away the Teacher’s State awards on the Teachers’ Day which commemorate the birth anniversary of former President of India and Bharat Ratna Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan at Banquet Hall, here on Sept 5 last.
Congratulating the awardees, the Governor said, award which has been conferred on them for your sincere and dedicated service in the field of education will further encourage each one of the awardees and also their colleagues to rededicate themselves to build a quantum of human resources that have the highest degree of knowledge and intellectual ability.
            Calling for retrospection among the teachers, the Governor said, a good teacher is like a candle-it consumes itself to light the way for others. Along with good teaching in the classroom, you should be a role model for your students, an inspiration and a very good example. Teach your students by what you are, not just by what you say. You are the ones who mould the lives of your wards through your good efforts and influence. Lessons learned from teachers remain with their students throughout life. You should guide without dictating, and participate without dominating. 
            Quoting some inspiration say, Gen Singh said, ‘The mediocre teacher tells.  The good teacher explains.  The superior teacher demonstrates.  The great teacher inspires.’ Quoting a Chinese Proverb he further said, I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand."  
            Exhorting the teachers to be responsible, the Governor pointed that teachers need encouragement and support from the community to feel that their devotion to students is appreciated. I would like to place on record my appreciation to those teachers who are serving in the interior areas where they have to walk days together to reach, but they still have the spirit to give their best, he said.
Urging the teaching community for their individual contribution as member of Team Arunachal, Gen Singh called for removal of the stigma of 54.74% literacy rate through their hard work of the teaching community. I termed it as stigma, because we are much behind the National literacy rate of 65.38%, he said. In sighting the success, he added, if the cause is just and your path is righteous, success will always be with us.
            Earlier, paying his tributes to Dr Radhakrishnan, Gen Singh said Dr Radhakrishnan was the embodiment of righteousness and high moral values. His philosophy and teachings inspire all of us to commit ourselves to the cause of the illiterate with service and sacrifice. Even today, he is a role model for our teachers. As a tribute to him and also to show our acknowledgement and recognition of the hard work put in by our teachers towards our development, the Teacher's Day is celebrated all over the country. I trust the occasion will inspire us to follow the highest moral and ethical values of Dr Radhakrishnan.
In his address, Higher and Technical education Director, Dr. Joram Begi, while congratulating the awardees said, you represent the quality teachers in the State and you really deserve it. Stating that success of education to some extend depend on the performance of the teachers, Begi, who attended the programme as the Guest of Honour stressed on accountability amongst the teachers towards their wards and sense of duty towards the noble profession. In the pious land of Gurus, our country, there always have been respects for teachers, but over the years it has eroded, therefore there is a need for retrospection amongst the teachers. Urging for missionary zeal amongst the teaching community, he recalled the dedicated services of pioneers of education in the state, Smti Indira Miri and Late D.Lego.
            Stating that Arunachal Pradesh has highest no. of untrained teachers, Director called for optimum use of DIETs to enhance quality education in the state.
            Giving impression of the Awardees, Junior Teacher from Government Primary school, Paniya, Lower Subansiri and State Teacher’s Day Awardee Joram Paku said, it is a event, which each of us will cherish through out our lives. It will definitely boost our moral, especially those serving in the interior to work harder for the betterment of our students.
            In his welcome address, School Education Director T.Talo said, the award is conferred on the awardees for his or here sincere work towards the cause of education. It is a way of conveying the message that we care for our teachers, he added. Joint Director K. Pangkam also spoke on the occasion.
            The celebration began with floral tribute to the portrait of Dr. Radhakrishnan by the chief guest and other dignitaries, which was followed by garlanding of the Awardees by the students. Twenty-two dedicated teachers, which include three Senior Teachers, nine Junior Teachers and ten Assistant Teachers received the awards. A shawl, a citation and cash award of Rs. 10,000.00 (Rupees Ten Thousand) were given to the teachers who have completed twenty years in the noble profession and made some extra ordinary contributions.
            Participating in the birth anniversary celebration of one of the most illustrated sons of India, students of Government Higher Secondary School, Itanagar, King Cup School, Itanagar and Arunodaya School, Itanagar gave some melodious numbers. NCC and Scouts and Guides Government Higher Secondary School, Itanagar presented a smart turn up in the reception and coordination of the entire programme, the report added.

Sd/- Purabi Taikam, PRO



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