No. IPR (PR)-03/2009                                                 Dated Naharlagun the 9th Mar. 2010


Raj Bhawan observes International Women’s day with achievers

Itanagar, March 8: “Mother comes first,” said Arunachal Pradesh Governor Gen JJ Singh, while referring to mythologies on the status of women. They are always respected and regarded with highest esteem. They have huge responsibilities towards the society and as a mother, wife, daughter and sister, we have very important role in making the society a better place for every individual, he added. He was interacting with women activists, leaders and achievers on the occasion of International Women’s Day at Raj Bhavan here today.” I have great pleasure in extending my greetings and best wishes to the Arunachalees for their continued success on the special occasion.” the Governor said, reports PRO to Governor.

State First Lady Anupama Singh, who also spoke on the occasion, congratulated the our women achievers of the year and hoped that they will be role model for every Arunachalee woman. This year, ‘The Day’, she pointed, is even more special, as this is the 100th year of its observation and also as also placing of the much awaited Bill in the Parliament. The Day also reminds us of our responsibilities towards the society, she added.

Advocating for equal rights and opportunities for women, the first lady said, ideal society can be realized if women have the equal rights and position as their male counterpart. For this, we need to improve the quality of life of our womenfolk. She appealed every concerned citizen and elites of the community for providing equal opportunities to women.

  State Home Minister Tako Dabi, State Women Commission Chairperson, Komoli Mossang, DGP Vimla Mehra, women political leaders, former minister Nyani Natung, Yari Dulom, renowned writer Mamang Dai, hosts of women achievers and social workers were present on the occasion ,adds the report.

Sd/ D.Dodum,PRO




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