No. IPR (PR)-03/2009                                                 Dated Naharlagun the 9th Mar. 2010


Special Health Check up at Raj Bhawan Health Centre
Doctors deserve healthy appreciation from every section of people- First Lady

Itanagar, March 9: ‘We cannot thank the doctor enough; they are doing so much of selfless jobs for the people and contributing lots towards healthy society. They really deserve healthy appreciation from every section of people’, said State First Lady Anupama Singh, who visited the Raj Bhavan Health Centre, Itanagar to see the one-day ‘Special Health Check up’ programme conducted by senior doctors from General Hospital, Naharlagun at the center.

Senior Eye Specialist Dr. R. Doye, Head of Department (Orthopedics) and Senior Dental Surgeon Dr. P.K. Chutiya, Head of Department (Dental) from General Hospital, Naharlagun are conducting the programme.

Singh appreciated the senior surgeons and their team of para medics for rendering their valuable service to the people and volunteering to take part in the programme. She was very pleased to learn that senior surgeon from AIIMS, like Dr. R. Doye are working in Arunachal Pradesh instead of working outside.

            Interacting with the patients, who had turned up for the special programme, State First Lady suggested for Health Awareness Camp on personal hygiene and eye care amongst targeted section of people. She also suggested for taking up with Rotary Club for mobile dental clinic.

            Later, sharing his experiences and highlighting on eye problems in the State, Dr. Doye informed that regular camps are organized at remote places, like Tuting, Mechuka, Manigong, Hayuliang and other places. Spectacles, if necessary are provided on the spot or cases are referred outside for further treatment. Dr. Doye, who will be leaving the next day for an eye camp at Yingkiong called for better infrastructure for eye treatment in the State. We are trying our best for social awareness on health care, he added.

            In-charge of the Raj Bhavan Health Centre, Dr. (Mrs.) T Kampu, SMO(SG) informed that large number of patients from all walks of life turned up for the free health check up.

            It may be mentioned here that Raj Bhavan Health Centre, Itanagar, which caters patients from ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘P’ sectors was inaugurated by Smti Lopa Pradhan, wife of Former Governor R.D. Pradhan in 25th June 1988, reports PRO to Governor.

Sd/- Purabi Taikam, PRO




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