No. IPR (PR)-03/2008                                            Dated Naharlagun the 9th April, 2010


Governor meets Army Chief

 Itanagar, April 9: Arunachal Pradesh Governor, Gen JJ Singh, who is in the National Capital on an official tour, met the Chief of Army Staff, Gen VK Singh at South Block, New Delhi on April 9 last, reports PRO to Governor.

            The Governor, on behalf of the people of Arunachal Pradesh felicitated the 26th Chief of Indian Army in person on assuming the office of Chief of second largest army in the world. He expressed his hope that under the dynamic leadership of Gen VK Singh, the Indian Army will touch new heights in all fronts.

            In his continuous effort to give impetus in the raising of Arunachal Scouts, the Governor took the issues related to it while referring his meetings with the Union Defence and Home Ministers in the meeting.

Gen VK Singh, who visited Arunachal Pradesh before assuming the office, was apprised of the security scenario of the State.

This endeavor of the Governor, it is felt will definitely expedite the process of the indigenous battalion and also create better scenery for the Core Security Group.



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