No IPR (PR) 3/2009                                                    Dated Naharlagun Nov 9, 2009

Press Release No- 1175

First lady exhorts self help groups

Itanagar, November 9:  State’s first Lady Anupama Singh, who was at Roing along with the Governor Gen JJ Singh, inaugurated a sale stall of the Self Help Groups (SHG) at the Eduli Village, near Roing on Nov 7 last, reports PRO to Governor.

Interacting with the stake holders and participants, she exhorted them to work hard for their financial empowerment and women upliftment.

            Going through the minute details of exquisite designs of Mishmi attires, Singh spoke on its promotions and commercial ventures. As token of encouragement, she bought few items from them. The First Lady commended on the horticultural produces of the area.

            Sponsored by NABARD and organized by Essomi Foundation, five SHGs, Kebali-Chi Yaku Afombro, Vduini SHG, Joya SHG, Kinjili SHG and Andikhu SHG displayed their products on the occasion, which includes original Mishmi ornaments and attires. 

Sd/- Purabi Taikam, PRO



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