No IPR (PR) 3/2009                                                    Dated Naharlagun Nov 9, 2009

Press Release No- 1178

Political stability-prerequisite for development – Governor,
Asks members to prepare action plan for next 5 yrs as ‘Team Arunachal’

Naharlagun, Nov 9: With its watchword, ‘People First’, the government will continue to accord the highest priorities to ensure maintenance of peace and tranquillity in the State; to free the State from social injustice, ill health and inequality and promote education especially amongst  women and girl child, besides giving priority to eradicate poverty and check corruption, while carrying forward its effort to generate more employment avenues through public-private entrepreneurship, said Governor  Gen (Rtd) J.J Singh while addressing the legislators on the second day of 5th Legislative Assembly here on Nov 4 last.

He said that to make Arunachal Pradesh a prosperous and self-reliant state, Government will lay maximum emphasis on harnessing its rich hydropower potential and mineral resources, in addition to its vast potential for tourism, agriculture, horticulture and medicinal plants. Initiatives must emerge to make the pristine and enchanting State the most favored tourist destination and the necessary infrastructure to be created on priority. He also emphasized that economic empowerment of women is an important priority, for a humane and compassionate society.

Apart from peace & tranquility, political stability is the prerequisite for development and for carrying out any major reforms in the State, he added. Stating that the people have voted the Members to the State Assembly for development and performance, and peace & security, Gen Singh said, “Political stability is the prerequisite for any major developmental step, and for carrying out major reforms.”

The Governor, while conveying his good wishes to all members and welcoming them in ‘Team Arunachal’, urged upon them to join hands and work in unison to fulfill the people’s expectation as core members of Team Arunachal. He added, “I expect that each of you prepare an action plan for the next five years with clearly specifying the milestones and start working right from the day one.  Let us pledge to help build together a secure, peaceful and prosperous Arunachal Pradesh.”

Admitting that the pace of development in the past could not be steadied due to limited budgetary provisions and fund constrains, the Governor said with the “historical” visits of high profile personalities, including the President, Vice President and Prime Minister, amongst others in the last two years, our necessities have been noted and are also being addressed.

He said the state govt has a roadmap for development for every Arunachalee and is giving prominence to entrepreneurship, especially in small and medium scale cottage industries, considered as the “engine of growth”. He said that the govt has brought out a new policy and implementation is in progress. The Governor further advocated the sustained income generating activities for the common masses especially the youth and women even as the major projects make inroad in the state.

One of the thrust areas of the government is education, which is a vital component for the development of every society. Attaching utmost importance to it and in order to ensure proper implementation of various programmes, the State government is weighing on the concept of communitization, he said.

Stating that Arunachal has been the oasis of peace in the whole of North East, except some incidents of spill over of violence from the neighboring states, the Governor said the govt is maintaining utmost vigil on law and order. Along with modernization, focus is being given on strategies, strengthening deployment and on basic amenities to our brave personnel. The govt will continue to be on high alert in effected areas and will ensure that our youth are not allowed to go astray. Raising of Arunachal Scouts for safeguarding our borders is also in the pipeline, he added.

He said that government will tackle the menace of corruption seriously seriously. Every step will be taken to strengthen the people’s trust. Responsive and transparent administration, autonomy to investigating agencies and system-wise augmentation of efficiency will be the order of the day. The days are not very far, with transparency in the departments, the Right to information and conscious desire of Arunachalees, corruption, irregularity, red tapism and partiality, will be wiped out, he said.

Sd/- Purabi Taikam, PRO




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