IPR (PR) 3/2008                                                                 Dated Naharlagun, June 12, 2009


Governor conveys condolences on plane crash victims

ITANAGAR, June 12: Arunachal Pradesh Governor Gen JJ Singh has conveyed heartfelt condolences on the tragic accident of Air Force plane near Mechuka in West Siang district on June 9 last.

The Governor, who rushed back to state capital on June 10 conveyed deep sense of loss of the valiant officers and men of Indian Air Force and Indian Army, reports PRO to Governor.

In a message, Gen Singh said, the unfortunate accident have saddled all of us, as the experienced pilot and crew of the aircraft were accomplishing a very challenging mission of providing rations to the military, the central security forces and civilians in a very remote and rugged part of this frontier State. Their noble service will be remembered by all of us forever.

The former chief of Indian Army, who has been closely monitoring the unfortunate incident since the report of the missing craft reach to him assured that the State Government administration provide its best to retrieve the bodies and remains of the gallant service personnel, the report added.

Sd/- Purabi Taikam, PRO

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