Governor gets support for Arunachal Heliport, Adventure Tourism and Rafting Championship from Ministry of Tourism

ITANAGAR, August 13: Championing the cause of developing the tremendous tourism potential of the State, Arunachal Pradesh Governor Gen JJ Singh called on the Union Minister for Tourism Kumari Selja at New Delhi today and highlighted the fact that the Tourism sector holds the highest promise for generating large employment and income-augmentation opportunities spreading and reaching down to all segments of society.

During the course of the discussions, Gen Singh stressed that Tourism is the way for viable revenue generation for the State and the local people will be greatly benefit from the same. He advocated for the need to develop Heliport tourist destinations along with a mini convention centre as a concept of soulful-eco tourism.  The new destination, which will shortly be decided will be developed  keeping in mind the diverse and  rich flora  and fauna as also  by using the local material and habitat conditions as the Unique Selling Proposition  for these destinations.  The selected destinations will have wooden hut lodging for 16-20 tourists, who can be carried by a helicopter load. These tourists can be turned around by a fresh set of tourists after three to five days, he added.  

Convinced by the presentation of the Governor on its viability, the Union Minister assured an amount of Rs 5 crore to set up one such heliport destination, as a pilot project.

The Governor also highlighted that in collaboration with Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre Guwahati, a workshop on Modern Bamboo Structures and Housing to encourage contemporary tourism complexes with low construction cost and time will be conducted at Itanagar from Aug 23-26 next.

In order to bring Arunachal in the mainstream of national and international tourism map, the Governor expressed a de novo concept of Camping sites and adventure, which could be a major attraction for nature and adventure lovers.  The camping sites will be built on the traditional cane, bamboo and thatch concept having lodging for single or twin occupants supported by adequate infrastructure and facilities required by tourists or participants. These sites can be scaled to accommodate more people during events by pitching tents.  A rafting base camp will be developed, which will become a hub for training as also will give an opportunity for amateur and professional rafters to enjoy the sport.

The Union Minister agreed to support this initiative and also the proposal to hold an International Rafting Championship at a suitable time between Nov-Feb.  A food festival of Arunachal Pradesh along with its cultural heritage will also be held at Dilli Haat duly supported by the Ministry. This will also give an opportunity for local artisans to showcase their products at Dilli Haat.

With personal interest of the Governor, the sector will definitely get a huge impetus, reports PRO to Governor.



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