No. IPR (PR)-03/2008                                            Dated Naharlagun the 16th April, 2010


RajBhawan accords respect for Traffic rules and Human Rights - Rejoinder

Itanagar, April, 14:   In response to the letter in the ‘Readers’ Forum’ section, titled ‘A separate rule for VIP cavalcades?’ carried in one of the esteemed daily newspapers of the State on 14th April 2010, Raj Bhavan has expressed concern on the mention of the cavalcade of the Governor in the letter and would like clarify that as a mandatory practice, our pilots and escorts are always briefed to ensure that minimum inconvenience is caused to the public during the movement of the Governor. At the same time, keeping in mind the security issues of the Governor, the cavalcade cannot be halted or slowed down in market areas or places where there is significant crowd presence.

It has always been our endeavor to ensure that no inconvenience is caused to anybody and there is no question of the security guards / pilot / escort behaving in a way which would cause any humiliation or embarrassment to any citizen. Respect for traffic rules and human rights have always been accorded the highest priority by the Raj Bhavan, the RajBhawan release states.

Sd/ D.Dodum,PRO


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