No. IPR(PR) 3/2008                                                                  Dated the 15th January 2010


Governor appeals for a beautiful clean Arunachal

ITANAGAR, Jan 15- State Governor General (Rtd) J.J Singh today gave a clarion call to the people of the twin capital cities in particular and people of Arunachal Pradesh in general to make a ‘Clean Arunachal’ and ‘Plastic free Arunachal’ to make the place a visitor’s delight.

Chairing a meeting held with the Itanagar MLA Techi Kaso, Commissioner UD Yeshi Tsering, Secretary Tourism Bandana Deori, Capital DC Padmini Singla, West Kameng DC Swati Sharma, besides PapumPare ADC Tai Kaye and Secretary to Governor Ankur Garg, the Governor called for a collaborative effort of all on beautification of the towns through various policies and measures to make it a planned city on the line of Gangtok in Sikkim. He also appealed the people to keep rivers and its surrounding areas clean and called upon the officers in administration to generate awareness among the people and be proactive in carrying the message against these non-biodegradable materials during outings. He further suggested on charging a nominal fee for carrying plastic bottles on picnic spots like Ganga lake to carry forward the message.

            Referring to his visit to Poma-Jote area recently, Gen Singh, who has always been advocating for a plastic free Arunachal told that garbage like plastic glasses, plates and mineral water bottles were found on the river banks at the picnic spots, adding some were found floating in the serene streams. The Governor, who was very upset in finding such disposal of garbage on picnic spots, also shared some photographs showing plastic bottles in rivers and attributed it on lack of clear cut policy on the part of the administration to deal with the problem.

            Advocating on the need to take strong initiatives on garbage management, the Governor felt the necessity of dustbins at all strategic locations and proper dumping grounds on specific places for disposal of city garbages. He further asked the local MLA to involve the Panchayat leaders in creating awareness among the local people of their segments and educating them to do away with the garbage disposal problem. He also asked the Capital DC to intensify the movement through involving NGOs and student bodies in solid waste management activities, besides advertising the message through FM Radio to inculcate the habit of dumping garbage in dustbin and imbibe the sense of civic responsibility in the citizen, besides imposing fines on the defaulters. ‘Involve the local community to watch and charge to control the menace for a beautiful, clean and disease free Arunachal’, Gen Singh stated.

            Expressing concern on unplanned construction in the capital cities, he emphasized on proper policy on town planning to serve the dual purpose of avoiding casualties on occurrence of natural calamities besides beautifying the town.

            The Governor also stressed on giving focus on rural areas and sought more attention to rural development activities to minimize migration to urban areas. He called to promote income generating activities in rural areas like setting up of small scale industries, bee keeping, organic farming, handicraft products etc to improve the financial standard of the people. Speaking on his pilot project at Poma, General Singh further advocated on setting up of such projects in other areas also.

            Speaking on promotion of tourism to improve the local economy, the Governor called to involve the local communities to derive optimum benefit through tourism activities like home stay system for the tourist. Urging the tourism department to take proactive role, the Governor called for proper Tourism Policy for the State.

Participating in the meeting, MLA Techi Kaso informed that plastic polythene has been totally banned in the market and elaborated on pros and corns on implementing measures on town planning in the capital cities.

Sd/- Purabi Taikam, PRO


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