No. IPR (PR)-03/2009                                                 Dated Naharlagun the 16th Mar. 2010


Governor to inaugurate golf driving range

Itanagar, March 15: State Governor Gen J.J Singh will be inaugurating the first Golf Driving Range of the state, which has been set up at Sangay Lhaden Sport Academy, Chimpu here on March 16.

An ace golfer himself, Gen Singh who is also an ace shooter and a keen mountaineer took initiative in the setting up of the driving range, which aims to provide promising Arunachalee golfer the basic of the sports. Gen Singh has a firm belief that Arunachalees have the potential to excel in the sport if proper guidance and direction is provided to them, reports PRO to Governor.

          Gen Singh, who won the winner’s trophy in his category, while taking in a golf tournament organized at Royal Spring Golf Course, Srinagar in Sept last, also took initiative in organizing a weeklong Golf orientation training in the month of June last year, in which fifty-one participants, including students from 13 (Thirteen) schools of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Assam and Meghalaya and also personnel from Raj Rifles are also attended. Lots of girl students and ladies participated in it.

Expert and famous professional coach Ali Sher and his assistant Shyam Lal conducted the camp.

PWD Assistant Engineer Er Francis Joseph, who is supervising the work, informed that 10 meters by 5 meters driving range has five driving platforms. The length of the range is 170 meters from the Driving point and is 110 meters wide with six meter high catching net, the report added. 

Sd/- Purabi Taikam, PRO


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