No. IPR (PR)-03/2008                                            Dated Naharlagun the 16th April, 2010


Governor enumeration marks launch of Census Operation 2010-11 in the state;
Governor appeals citizens for wholehearted participation

Itanagar, April, 15: The enumeration of the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh Gen. (Retd.) J.J. Singh.  was done on April 15 last by Smt. Padmini Singla,  Deputy Commissioner cum Principal Census Officer, Capital Complex, marked the launch of the decennial Census Operations and the preparation of the first ever Nation Population register in the State of Arunachal Pradesh.

The Governor appealed to all the residents of Arunachal Pradesh to wholeheartedly take part in the census operation and preparation of first ever population register & conveyed his best wishes to all who are involved in the census operation.

On the occasion Shri Ankur Garg, Secretary to Governor and Secretary (Economic & Statistics) & Deputy Director, Census were also present along with other census officers. The Chief Secretary of Arunachal Pradesh was covered next.

 Census data – basis for planning & Policy Making
Census data demonstrates where the nation is positioned at a particular point in respect of various social and economic characteristics in the world. The data collected through the census are used for administration, planning and policy making as well in the management and evaluation of various programmmes by the government and non-government agencies.
 The census data is also used for delimitation of constituencies and allocation of representation to parliament, State Legislative Assemblies and the local bodies.

Census 2011 will be held in two phases. In the first phase., know as House listing and housing census all the buildings, houses and other structures are identified and assigned numbers and information on quality of housing stock and amenities and assets available to the households are collected. This operation is to be conducted from April to September by State and UTs for period of 45 days each as per schedule.

The second phase called population enumeration phase will be conducted simultaneously all over the country from February 9-28, 2011. In first phase, along with house listing operation, information for the preparation of the National Population register (NPR) will also be collected.

Through NPR schedule, information on all members of the households, such as name, date and place of birth, name of parents and spouse, nationality, current and permanent address, education and occupation will be collected to establish his/her identity. This information will constitute the building block on preparation of database of all residents of the country. Both these operations will be conducted in Arunachal Pradesh w.e.f. April 15 to May 31 next, the Rajbhawan release informs.




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