No. IPR (PR)-03/2008                                            Dated Naharlagun the 16th April, 2010


Governor graces Longte Hate celebration
Singh for scheme to protect Mithun population

 Itanagar, April 15: If we spread on these fraternal bonds among the tribes and communities of Arunachal Pradesh, it will definitely increase the pace of development in every corner of the State, Arunachal Pradesh Governor observed, while gracing the first ever Longte Haate celebration organized jointly Nyishi and Tagin communities at Indira Gandhi Park, here on April 15. The festival, which is observed by the communities since time immemorial aims to protect and propagate the Mithuns and it was organized jointly for first time with an objective to promote sense of fraternity and harmony among the two communities, reports PRO to Governor.   

Through this kind of festival we will not only carry forward our rich cultural heritage but also protect and propagate our precious living wealth, the Mithuns, Governor pointed. He congratulated Health and Family Welfare Minister Tanga Byaling and Parliamentary Secretary for Food and Civil Supplies, Lokam Tassar for initiating the celebration.

Gen Singh, who has been emphasizing on Mithun protection, which indirectly helps in protecting of the green environment informed that 70% of the Mithun population is in Arunachal Pradesh. The Mithuns in other parts are lost due to meaningless slaughtering and therefore, we have to shoulder its protection and propagation. Unveiling his proposal, Governor said, “I am proposing a scheme through which we put up fencing around community lands and keep our Mithun there. This will not only give shelter to it but also restrict its movement to our farms and most importantly it will protect the flora and fauna. I am taking up this with the Prime Minister as an initiative towards our objectives of ‘Save Mithun’ and also ‘Save Forest.’ 

            Appreciating the denizens for arrest of Jhuming in and around Capital Complex, Governor called for taking up teak plantation, organic tea, medicinal plant and other avenues for those who left Jhum cultivation.

            Underlining the importance of tourism, Gen Singh said, some of the country’s economy runs due to tourism. We have huge potential and to harness it we have to change our mind set. Welcome a guest and send back a friend; that should be our approach, he stressed.

            Governor appreciated the endeavour of Clean and Green Arunachal amongst the youth, especially student unions and welcomed spirit of Team Arunachal amongst the Policy makers and public leaders.

            Guest of Honour Takam Sanjay, Lok Sabha MP in his address commended the effort of the organizers and said, the festival spreads the message of peace, non-violence, preservation of culture and protection of our precious wealth. Dwelling on the importance of the Mithun to tribal society, Lok Sabha MP called for restriction slaughtering of mithuns in marriages, parties, political rallies and festivals. He also disclosed of taking the indigenous festival at global level.

            Appealing for conducive environment for people of all communities in the Capital Complex, Sanjay called or introspection  among the denizens and halts to notorious ‘Fine System’ in State Capital. This will carry wrong message about us to outside people, he added.

Chief Patron of the festival and Health and Family Welfare minister Tanga Byaling appealed to every religious group, community and political party to restrict random sacrifice of Mithun.
Chief Advisor of festival, Lokam Tassar, Parliamentary Secretary Food and Civil Supplies, said the celebration aims to protect and preserve Mithun and spread fraternity amongst the tribes.

On his arrival to the festival ground, Governor was accorded a warm traditional reception by Rekam Pada, Donyi Ane ponung and Buya troupes. Dressed in Nyishi podung, Tagin jacket and Adi necklace, he was escorted to the festival alter, which was followed by visit to local house. Colourful and unique cultural programme was presented by twenty-eight cultural troupes, including those from Parsi Parlo, Chaeyangtajo, Damin, Daporijo, Koloriang, Nacho, Seppa, Taliha and Itanagar. Sports activities were also conducted on the day.

Festival Organising Secretary Taring Rai dwelling on mythology said, literally, ‘Longte’ means a large wooden barricade or fence which is erected on a community basis with the belief that this demarcates the domain of hmans and spirits from ill intended trespasses. In the same way, ‘Hate’ means a thick cane rope used for fastening of domesticated animals especially Mithuns. This festival is celebrated in the advent of Spring Season in the month of April. Origin of the LONGTE HATE festival is closely linked with the rearing of all domesticated animals including mithuns which has a great significance for the spiritual and social wellbeing of the community and humankind as a whole, Rai added.
Sd/ D.Dodum,PRO


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