No IPR (PR) 3/2009                                                     Dated Naharlagun Sept 15, 2009


Governor exhorts people to be part of ‘Team Arunachal’

Itanagar, Sept. 15: State Governor Gen (Rtd) J. J Singh has exhorted one and all to be part of ‘Team Arunachal’ and called upon the people to work unitedly to eradicate illiteracy, poverty, inequality and corruption from Arunachal Pradesh and sought individual contribution for its progress and prosperity.

Participating in the Universal Brotherhood Day celebration at Vivekananda Hall, RK Mission Hospital here on Sept 11 last, the Governor urged upon the people to be inspired by Swami Vivekananda and called for fight against the divisive forces and elements of sectarian violence. ‘Let us strengthen the spirit of unity and reinforce the splendid integrity in diversity of our society’, he added. He said, ‘If all our 51,000 State government employees and few thousand members of NGOs work with the same dedication and spirit shown by our brothers and sisters of Vivekananda Kendra and Ramakrishna Mission order, we can build Arunachal Pradesh, one of the most developed State in the country’, reports PRO to Governor.

Acknowledging that Vivekananda Kendra has given top priority to Arunachal Pradesh in it's plan of nation building through Arun Jyoti and Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas, the Governor urged upon the organization to instill the spirit of ArunachalPan amongst its students. He said, the aim of education imparted should be to bring changes not only in the amount of knowledge gained but also in the abilities to do so, to think and to acquire habits, skills and attitude which characterize an individual who is socially accepted and well adjusted. Education, I believe is ability to develop a sensible attitude towards society, gender and culture. Therefore, the alumni of the Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas and Ramakrishna Mission Schools are at least expected that they maintain the values and spirits they inculcated during the period spent by them in these institutions throughout their lives. These students should always remain attached to their local traditions and indigenous faith and most importantly, their mother tongue, he added.

Paying his glowing tributes to Swami Vivekananda, Gen Singh said, ‘it is said, it is easy to sit up and take notice. What is difficult is standing up and taking action. Today we are celebrating the fact that someone stood up and took that action. Today we are celebrating the commitment and sheer hard work of our revered and visionary Swami Vivekananda.’

Extending his greeting on the occasion, he said it was impact of his soul stirring deliberations that Swami Vivekananda, disciple of Sri Ramakrishna began to be known as the ‘Orator by Divine Right’ and also the ‘Messenger of Indian wisdom to the Western world’. In a masterly way he spoke on Indian Philosophy of tolerance and universal acceptance of all religions as true.

Dwelling on his association with Vivekananda Kendra since his posting in Lohit in 1981-82, Gen Singh recalled the contributions of the pioneers of the State. It was visionary officers like late K.A.A Raja, who later become the Lt. Governor of State, who initiated this highly valued relationship especially in the field of primary education. The pioneers really took pains and worked hard in creating and nurturing these institutions, the Governor said.

Giving her impression of the inspirational event, State first lady Anupama Singh said since childhood, I always hear about swami Vivekananda and today I am very fortunate to participate in a function dedicated to him.

Indian Oil Corporation, North East region General Manager A. Pandiyan while speaking on the occasion, he reiterated IOC’s endeavor in the development of the region and also to continue its associations with Vivekananda Kendras. He expressed his hope that contribution made by IOC will be beneficial to the schools of Arunachal Pradesh and its neighboring States.

Addressing on the importance of the Day, Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari Joint General Secretary, Rekha Davey urged upon the people to enunciate the message of through their action for better society. She called upon the youths to follow the teachings by Swami Vivekananda, but warned that be imposing ones culture on others, we cannot advance.

Earlier, Director Higher and Technical education, Dr. Zoram Begi, who is the Arunachal Pradesh Vivekananda Kendra Prant Pramukh or the Head, in his welcome address, highlighted on the organization endeavors in the state. Begi informed that with opening of seven schools in 1977, the Vivekananda Kendra, through Vivekananda Kendriya Vidhyalayas, ArunJyoti and Vivekananda Institute of Culture has been contributing lots for the education, socio economic development and cultural preservation of the State. Today, we have Vivekananda Kendriya Vidhyalayas in the State, which synonym with quality education, he pointed.

On the occasion, Yazali VKV Principal Karnam Pralhad Rao, recipient of the President’s Award for Best Teacher and Banderdewa VKV Principal, the recipient of CBSE best Teacher Award were felicitated by the Governor. He also felicitated toppers of VKV students in the AISSE (Class X) 2009, which includes Kum Mausumi Bora of VKV Tafrogaon, who top the list along with seventeen others.

The Vivekananda Kendra, in-turn also felicitated the Governor and the First lady for their association with the organization, which is almost three decade long.

One of the highlights of the evening was the deliberation of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago speech by Master Dakpin Bam of VKV Banderdewa. Making the event exceptional entertaining, the VKV students presented a colourful cultural programme.

Earlier in the afternoon, State First Lady Anupama Singh inaugurated a mobile science laboratory. The lab has been donated by IOC on the initiation of former MP Tapir Gao. It aims to improve the scientific accessibility to the village, inculcate scientific temper on the young ones, learning through participating and popularizing science, the report added.

Sd/- Purabi Taikam, PRO


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