No IPR (PR) 3/2009                                                     Dated Naharlagun August 18, 2009


Inauguration of  the first ever Bamboo Processing Centre of the State

Itanagar, August 18: “I always wanted to initiate a project, which will provide financial empowerment to the people or the aam admi and today we have here a project of such nature”, said Governor Gen JJ Singh, while inaugurating the first ever Bamboo Processing Centre of the State at Poma Village, 32 km from Itanagar today. Expressing his gratitude to the Arunachal Pradesh State Forest Corporation Limited, local MLA Ngurang Pinch, District Administration, Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre, Guwahati, PWD and people of Poma and its neighboring villages for their support and cooperation, he said, “it is like a dream come true. I congratulate the people of this area for being the beneficiaries of the first pilot project of a Bamboo processing unit to be run by their own society”, he added, reports PRO to Governor
Gen Singh said, it is estimated that 70 per cent of the country’s growing stock of bamboo is in the Northeast that is yet to be properly utilized. Arunachal Pradesh occupies an important position among the bamboo bearing states of India. Bamboo forms a major constituent of the forest vegetation of Arunachal Pradesh, but we are yet to exploit it properly for improving our socio-economy development. Now with this kind of value adding project, we can transform our village economy. Such projects will generate income and facilitate the youth and women to work and earn while staying in their villages a true example of village based Mini Cottage enterprise.

Arunachal Pradesh also has a vibrant craft tradition and every tribe excels in craftsmanship. Cane and bamboo is an important craft of this area, and the workmanship is of a very high order. With raw material available, that to in required shape and size, we can improve our quality and quantity for commercial venture. You can showcase your skills in handicrafts with products made of bamboo, wood handloom weaved cloth and other forest based products including honey.

Gen Singh, who frequently visit the Poma area dwelled in length on the potential of the area for developing it as a tourist attraction, municipal camping and picnicking on the Poma River with souvenir and handicraft shop. Urging upon the local populace to preserve the flora and fauna, the Governor acknowledged that the departments of Tourism and Environment and Forests are picking up in their spirit in addressing the socio economic upliftment of the people.

Local MLA Ngurang Pinch addressing in the inaugural function profusely thanked Governor for his initiatives and care for the people of the area. He said,it is due to personal interest of the Governor that the project has been completed in the shortest period and added, our government departments should work with the spirit shown by the Raj Bhavan. Dwelling in length on tourism and other development projects, local MLA said, we have to change our mind set and work on the path shown by the Governor.

Earlier, in his welcome address, Arunachal Pradesh State Forest Corporation Ltd Managing Director G.N. Sinha said establishment of the Bamboo Processing Centre is the first step towards rural employment generation. Giving a brief background on the centre, Managing Director said, facilitate by the State Planning department, it has been set up by the State Forest Corporation with technical help from the Cane and Bamboo Technology Center (CBTC), Guwahati. Now completed, it will be handed over to the Poma Village Development Society and they will run the centre. For that we have already trained some villagers on handing the different purposes machines at CBTC, Guwahati. The concept of the project was envisaged the Governor, who has a view that with sense of community ownership of any government project, it will be a successful one. We are proposing some more such initiatives under his guidance, Sinha added.

Speaking on the occasion, Poma ASM Techi Anna expressed gratitude to the Governor and the APSFCL for selecting Poma village for setting of the Bamboo Processing Centre and said, we feel, we are the luckiest villagers in the State. She also reiterated her hope that along the Governor, the Government departments will also have soft corner for the village. The Poma ASM also submitted a six-point memorandum to the Governor, which includes completion of link road, flood control work, creation of tourism infrastructure, up-gradation of Poma Health Sub-centre, launching of sanitation programme under Poma Panchayat and declaration of Poma village as Model village.

As an encouragement to the new concept and venture, the Governor made personal cash contributed towards Poma Village Development Society as initial capital to run the centre. His father Lt. Col JS Marwah (Retd.) and Local MLA Ngurang also donated cash amounts. Not to be left behind, State First Lady Anupama Singh, President of Muskan Society also made cash contribution towards the welfare society from Muskan Society. Local businessman Karngom Likar also made a donation.

As a token of love, Gen Singh distributed torches and umbrellas to the Goan burahs and sweets to school children. He also distributed the Governors complimentary pens to the APSFCL officials and trained farmers for their contribution towards the project. Giving one to Head Gaon Burah Tacha Marka, the Governor urged him to be exemplary and take lead in bamboo plantation in the area.

Earlier on his arrival to the village, the Governor was accorded a traditional reception by Gaon Burahs and Rikam Pada dance troupe. Along with community feast, a women folks and students of Poma Government Middle School presented a colorful cultural programme on the occasion.

A live demonstration on working of different machines and its product was presented by the trained farmers of the village. A photo exhibition on the gradual development of the concept and other development in Poma area due to intervention of Raj Bhavan was also placed on display. To impress the village and to encourage them on the project, Rhino Bamboo Industry, Guwahati, the stakeholder of the centre displayed of bamboo products on the occasion.



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