No. IPR (PR)-03/2009                                                 Dated Naharlagun the 21 Dec. 2009.

Press Release No-1373

Arunachalees have the spirit- Governor

Itanagar, Dec. 19: The true Arunachal Pradesh is the Arunachal Pradesh of the villages. If they are not developed, Arunachal Pradesh is not developed, Arunachal Pradesh Governor Gen JJ Singh said while participating in a seminar titled, ‘A long way to go for empowering the people of Arunachal Pradesh, economically for its sustained growth’ at NERIST, Nirjuli on Dec 19 last. Citing lack of communication and technical know-how in the past, the State has lacked behind but, he said with coming up of many development projects and in various phases of implementations, Arunachal Pradesh is going to be Riche State in the country. And Arunachalee have the spirit for it, he added, reports PRO to Governor.

Highlighting on the projects taken under PM’s package, Gen Singh said, once the roads, railways and airport comes, any small investment will give returns. He pointed, while big projects are coming up, small projects should be taken up urgently to address the growing unemployment and it can be through small scale industries.

Recommending his vision for empowerment of the people through taking advantage of the nature bounty, Gen Singh suggested on maximum emphasis on cane and bamboo sectors. Quoting a Chinese Proverb which says, ‘I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand, the Governor said, therefore, to show them the way and understand, Raj Bhawan has undertaken the initiative of setting up of a bamboo processing unit at Poma, not very far from here. I expect this initiative to grow into a model concept of demonstrating what self-sustaining village economies should be like. Not only will the villagers earn sustainable income from local products, the entire area will be developed by dovetailing efforts of several Departments like rural tourism, education, health, bee-keeping etc. Such a model village in my mind is the ideal realization of the concept of sustainable growth by empowering the local people. I would like to see the mushrooming of many such projects all over the State and the efforts of the Indian Council of Small Industries in promoting such ventures will surely be welcomed and appreciated, he added.

Urging the financial institute to come forward in the empowerment of people, Gen Singh said rural people have little, if any, access to financial services. The high costs and low returns associated in addressing their savings, loans, transmission and insurance needs prevent commercial banks from serving this segment of the market. Many researchers emphasize the importance of utilizing a community's resources such as villagers' skills, imagination, initiatives and financial potential to establish self-help institutions that address the community's needs. The community by identifying their own potential has greater confidence in them and their capacity in meeting their economic demands. Therefore, more awareness needs to be created.

He further added, the State Khadi and Village Industries Board, the NABARD, the District Industries Centre, the Banks and other financial institutes must act as a catalyst for stronger and sustainable growth. The Governor pointed, the solution for empowering our people begins with improving literacy and education levels that will allow everyone to fully participate in the overall economy of the State. Quoting the President of India, Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil, who said, Education is the most important tool for empowering the people of a country’, Gen Singh said in our endeavour, the Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh along with its affiliated institutions and the North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and technology, Nirjuli are playing an important role. The State Government led by Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu and education department is in the process of revamping the education system of the state. Optimistic of positive results of the effort, he stated, as people acquire knowledge, they become better aware of their rights and duties and become active participants of the growth process rather than being mere passive beneficiaries. Prof. K.C. Balliappa, Vice Chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi University, who was the Guest of Honour, said we plan but we are no where in implementation. He urged upon all to change their altitude, which he termed as ‘manufacturing defect.’ He added, indigenous people have tremendous skill, be it in carpet making, weaving, cane and bamboo crafts, wood craving and we need to nurture it.  The RGU Vice Chancellor concluded his deliberation with an appeal to all enterprising people to become true entrepreneurs. In his address the Director of North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, Nirjuli, Dr. Joram Begi linking industrialization with economic development said, our state has reminded backward due to non industrial development. With proper direction and environment, the State has huge scope for industrialization especially small scale industries (SSI) based on cane and bamboo, herbal and honey. Terming SSI as engine of growth, Dr. Begi suggested for availing benefit out of the huge biodiversity. Citing teething problems for that he pointed the role of banks and KVIB is important. Moreover, we need to patronize and encourage the local people in changing their mind sets. He also appreciated the initiative of State government in bringing out new policies.

 In his keynote address, Prof. K.K. Sarkar, Secretary General, Indian Council of Small Industries (ICSI), Kolkata said any planning is a clinical path and it should be done after consultation with the people and cultural assimilation by the planners. Stressing on cultural acclimatization of the civil servants about the denizens before bringing out the Action Plan, Prof Sarkar pointed until sixties; no development was there in this part of the country. Whatever were there, were due to their natural ability and capacity. Hence all civil servants should know the pulse of the people for the empowerment them. Ultimately they are the builders of the society of the people. Sarkar added, as large portion of the population are from agrarian community, empowerment can be through developing the agriculture sector. Prescribing terrace farming like that in Sikkim, He also suggested for proper soil test to enhance the production. The ICSI secretary, while emphasizing on rural industrialization projects, called for injection of some elements of skill and training among rural community. Pointing at the exotic flora and fauna in the State, he urged upon the people to take up herbal and honey projects. Appreciating the initiatives of the Arunachal Pradesh governor towards the empowerment of Arunachalee and describing Gen Singh as Dronacharyaa, Prof Sarkar suggested him for creation of people’s army or Arunachal regiment, which he felt will address the growing unemployment especially amongst the educated youth, who otherwise might be misguided.

Earlier in his welcome address, ICSI President P. Kumar said unless the people are empowered economically, no economy can develop. The academics and those who are involved in the helm of affairs will contemplate on the theme in various technical sessions and come out with various suggestions. Getting a cue out of the deliberations, a future action plan will be drawn, he added.

The one-day seminar is being organized by the Indian Council of Small Industries, in association with Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh and North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and technology, Nirjuli which is being sponsored by the Planning Commission, Government of India.

The day-long programme included technical session on selected topics, i.e. Ways and means for developing the economy of Arunachal Pradesh, meeting the credit need of the small entrepreneurs, availability of credit from banks and financial institution for micro and small enterprise, rural economy with bias on forestry, rural employment generation, promotion of self employment and developing entrepreneurship etc. role of NABARD, District Industries Centers and State Khadi and Village Industries board.



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