Governor exhorts farmers to go for organic farming

ITANAGAR, Dec 23: ‘Ale Mopa’ (Well Done), this was the reaction of the Gaon Burah from Poma village, while visiting the Raj Bhavan today, which has been turned into a repertory under the initiative of the Governor Gen J.J Singh and State First Lady Anupama Singh.

The Gaon Burah was one among the group of farmers, youth, Panchayat members and Gaon Burahs from Poma-Jote area who visited the horticultural farm, kitchen garden, orchidorium and medical plant project of the Raj Bhavan. The team also saw the fish pond, the bee hives and poultry. During the visit, they saw the extensive use of cane and bamboo product in the Raj Bhavan furnishing. 

Interacting with the group, the Governor asked them to go for organic farming. He said, ‘today, everyone, especially the well-informed people prefers organic products, vegetables and fruits’. ‘Aware of the chemicals in foods and its side affects, there is huge demand for organic ones, which are produced by nature means, like use of vermin compost etc’, he said adding the demand will always increase. He exhorted them to visit the hotels, restaurants and even the State Banquet Hall to know their demands and get a better picture. ‘Once it is clear, you can take up those particular vegetables which are required and go for its production’, the Governor said. 

Gen Singh further pointed, ‘after changing to organic method, within a year, the economy will improve and once you have the sustainable source of income through this practice, you can fulfill your personal requirements and of your family. You will also be able to provide proper education to your children’.

Gen Singh also advised them to take up orange cultivation and bamboos, where the plot is not very much suitable for farming. He further urged upon the Goan Burahs to disseminate the ideas among the local populace.

Agriculture Development Officer Mrs. T. Angu, who supervises works in the garden, informed the villagers that the produces are free from contamination of synthetic fertilizer and agro chemical, while showing the twenty odd varieties of vegetables, which includes twelve varieties of lettuce. She pointed out that the planning of the crop calendar to be implemented in the field is being formulated as per the season, need and demand and by analyzing the previous production record. Round the year, seventy varieties of vegetables, including trail once are grown in the garden, which measures an area of 2088 Sq mtrs.

While imparting methods of organic farming, Angu dwelled on the details of construction of vermin compost pit and also of nature manures. She also suggested on community support agricultural programme wherein local management and participation of family members are emphasized.

Impressed by the ideas implemented at Raj Bhavan, the group expressed their enthusiasm in starting such projects in their villages.

The visit of the villagers was conceptualized by the Governor to provide exposure to the villages to the new varieties of vegetables and to ensure that the local farmers are acquainted to the new farming skill and to the latest and easiest techniques. It is effort to transfer of technology and ideas to the villagers.

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