IPR (PR) 3/2009                                                                 Dated Naharlagun, May 25, 2009


State first lady for Bal Bhavan in Arunachal

ITANAGAR, May 24: Arunachal Pradesh First Lady Anumpama Singh accentuated on the need for Bal Bhavans in the state in the line of National Bal Bhavan, New Delhi, reports PRO to Governor.

Impressed by the activities in the Bal Bhavan, Singh, who visited the institution some time back pointed that to develop creative thinking among children through non-formal educational activities which will inculcate in them confidence, self reliance, secular attitude and love for values, we have to establish such institutions in different parts of Arunachal Pradesh. Unlike formal educational institution, it will help in enhancing the creative potential of local children by providing them with various activities, opportunities and a common platform to interact, experiment, create and perform according to their age, aptitude and ability. It offers a barrier-free environment with immense possibilities of innovation, without any stress or strain.

After going through the Bhavan and interacting with the children and the officials, Singh was impressed by their calendared activities such as science education, creative art activities, the performing arts, home management, photography, library and literary activities and physical education.

States First lady, who herself is heading a NGO, Muskan in the State said, in the science education section of the Bal Bhavan, the tiny tots are provided with opportunity for self-discovery, self-ex-pression and experimentation, where subjects such as animals, fishes, aero-modeling, astronomy and computers touched on. To inculcate love, concern and responsibility amongst the children towards nature, environmental education is also a part of the activities. In the creative art section, they are helped with painting, clay modeling, handicraft, wood craft, needle craft, weaving, book binding etc.

Singh further informed, in the performing arts section, the children are provided ample opportunities to enhance their imagination through self-ex-pression and also opportunities to make themselves realize their own potential. They are exposed to the various techniques of theatre craft and traditional theatre and to music, where use of sound and rhythm for creating body movements are taught. In the home management section, they are taught on good house keeping aspects, such as home management, food preservation, first aid, flower arrangement, baking and even budgeting the cost of food, besides practical lessons on food preservation, health and hygiene.

As we all know, Singh pointed, a well groomed reading habit developed at an early stage not only improves the knowledge of children but also broadens their outlook towards the outside world while enhancing their capabilities. In the Bhavan, the children are provided with required books and condusive environment to meet the objective.

Former President of Army Wives Welfare Association, Singh who also took up the plight of the Anganwadi workers of the State added, to imbibe a healthy lifestyle in children at a very young age so that they continue to maintain even as they grow up and to inculcate basic values in children such as cooperation, team spirit and to sharpen their reflexes, make them mentally alert, physical activities both indoor and outdoor are conducted.

During her visit to the institution, accompanied by Jarjum Ete, former Chairperson of State Women Commission, the State First Lady was apprised by the officials that the National Bal Bhavan, which is a New Delhi based organization is committed to offering valuable help to boost the talents of children from remand homes, resettlement colonies and schools for the mentally challenged without regarding their caste, creed, status and sex. It was started in the year of 1956 as an autonomous body under the ministry of Human Resource Department of India. The Bhavan provides a formal education system through its multi-dimensional activities, which is helpful for the physical and mental development of children.

They further informed her that the National Bal Bhavan has more then seventy odd branches in the different parts of the country including Manipur and Jammu. In addition to the extra curriculum activities, the Bhavan gives special attention to singing, painting, tree plantation, discussions and creative writing. The special attractions in Bal Bhavan are mini train, aviary with a variety birds and animals, aquarium, science park, national training resource center, Sanskrit shilpgram (specializing in traditional creative art and performing art), traffic park and a library. The bhavan organizes local and international level programs, science fairs and integration camps, the report added.

Sd/- Purabi Taikam, PRO

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