IPR (PR) 3/2009                                                                 Dated Naharlagun, May 25, 2009


Governor stresses on the need for computer education center in Arunachal

Itanagar, May 25: Arunachal Pradesh Governor Gen JJ Singh in his effort to popularize and boost computer education in the state met the newly elected Union Cabinet Minister Murli Deora during the swearing in ceremony of Union Cabinet at New Delhi on May 22nd last.

During his interaction, Gen Singh impressed upon the Union Minister on the need for computer education center in the state. In today’s world, where the computer education is a basic necessity for almost any job, the state lacks such centers in interior places, he said, adding in Arunachal Pradesh, even today there are many children and youths from far-flung areas or otherwise who cannot afford basic computer education and have remained unemployed or under employed. He emphasized on the need to fill in the gap to give those needy ones a chance to be part of the skilled Arunachalee workforce and enhance the pool of skilled people in the state, reports PRO to Governor.

Convinced by the Governor, Deora assured free computers for a computer center in line of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Gandhi Institute of Computer Education and Information Technology, Guwahati.

Deora, who is associated with Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan has not only been contributing towards computer education in the country through the organization but also drew the attention of Prime Minister for allocating funds to spread computer education in the North East in the past.

It is said, in the year was 1996, a middle-class educated unemployed youth came to Deora, then South Mumbai M.P in his third running term. The young man desperately needed a job and sought the M.Ps help. During his interaction, the MP found that the young man stood a bright chance of securing a job if only he had a basic knowledge of the computer.

As an old saying goes, rather than offer a fish to a hungry man, it is better to teach him fishing. So, he sponsored the youth’s training in local institute, paying a fee that he saw was well beyond the reach of most from the economically weaker sections. Barely weeks later, the young man returned to Deora. looking happy and he informed that he had got a job of Rs. 4000 per month and thanked the MPs help and the computer training.

In the same direction, the honest effort of the Governor will definitely prove immensely helpful in bridging unemployment in the state in a big way. Once established, the center will bring basic job-oriented computer training within the reach of the thousands of educated unemployed youth from the economically weaker sections so that they could be gainfully employed, the report added.

Sd/- Purabi Taikam, PRO

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